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Материалы для развития навыков устной речи в формате ЕГЭ (темы «Семья», «Мир музыки»).
Содержание - Иностранные языки

Дзикун Татьяна Анатольевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ СШ №41 Г.Ульяновск. 
Методическая разработка материалов для развития навыков устной речи на среднем этапе обучения. Цель заданий – создать условия для формирования у учащихся навыков монолога, диалога, описания фото, сравнения двух фотографий. Разработка предназначена для учащихся 6х классов, изучающих английский язык по УМК М.В.Вербицкой.

Дата публикации: 05.02.2018

Материалы для развития навыков устной речи в формате ЕГЭ

(темы «Семья», «Мир музыки»)

Проблема качественной подготовки учащихся к сдаче устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку продолжает оставаться злободневной. Как сделать эту подготовку успешной? Когда нужно начинать работу, на что обратить особое внимание и каким упражнениям отдать предпочтение? Этим вопросом задается каждый практикующий учитель. Специальная, целенаправленная подготовка к устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку может помочь нашим ученикам качественно и эффективно подготовиться к экзамену, избежать стрессовых ситуаций и обидных ошибок и получить максимум баллов.

Устная речь отличается от письменной и имеет свою специфику,  которая выражается в организации устного текста, стиле и языковом оформлении, а также в видах и особенностях речевых продуктов. Устная речь всегда обусловлена речевой ситуацией. Конечной целью обучения устной речи является владение учащимися умениями неподготовленной спонтанной речи в рамках тем и ситуаций, предложенных в школьных стандартах и примерных программах.

Подготовка к ЕГЭ в процессе обучения не является самоцелью, это один из аспектов формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции. Материалы, предлагаемые вашему вниманию, составлены в формате заданий устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Они помогают развивать навыки устной речи школьников и постепенно готовить их к экзамену.


1.Условный диалог-расспрос.Youaregoingtotakepartinaconversation. Youhavetoanswersixquestions. Givefullanswers to the questions.


Teacher: Have you got a big family?

Student: _________________

Teacher: How many members are there in your family?

Student: __________________

Teacher: What is your mother’s name?

Student: _______________________

Teacher: How old is she?

Student: ___________________________

Teacher: Have you got any brothers or sisters?

Student:  __________________

Teacher: Have you got grandparents?

Student: ______________



2.Тематическоемонологическоевысказывание.You are going to give a talk about your family. Use the


1.I would like to tell you about my family.

2.My name is …. I am Russian. I live in …

3.My family is rather ….

4.There are … of us, my… , my …, my … and me.

5.My mother’s name is … . She is … years old.

6.My father’s name is … . He is … years old.

7.My sister’s/brother’s name is … . She/he is … years old.

8.I love my family. We like to spend time together.

9.We … and … at the weekends.

10.That is all I want to tell you about my family.

3.Условныйдиалог-расспрос.You'd like to get more information about your new pen-friend. In some minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:




4)If he/she hasa big family


4.Описаниефото. Describing of the pictures. Imagine that these are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to present to your friend.

I have chosen photo number 1.

1. I took this photo/picture last … when I was in ….

2. In the photo/ picture you can see …

3. They are the members of the British Royal Family.

3. They are … (Present Cont.)

4. The action takes place   …

5. The time of the year is probably … (spring, summer).

6. In my opinion, the atmosphere of the photo is … (calm, merry, homely)

7. I keep this photo in my album because it carries pleasant memories.

8. That is all I want to tell you about this photo/picture.


5.Сравнениефото. Study the two photographs. Compare and contrast the photographs:

   I would like to compare 2 pictures.

1.In the first picture we can see … .

2.They are… (Present Cont.).

3.To my mind, the action takes place in … .

4.In the second picture there are … .

5.I think, they are… (Present Cont.)

6.In my opinion it is happening … .

7.Both these photos have … inBut the place of action is quite different.

8.That is all I want to say about



The world of music

 1.Условныйдиалог-расспрос.You are going to take part in a conversation. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions.

Teacher: What is your name?

Student: __________________

Teacher: How old are you?

Student: _______________________

Teacher: Do you listen to music?

Student:  _______________________________

Teacher: How often do you listen to music?

Student: ________________________

Teacher: What kind of music do you like?

Student: ___________________________

Teacher: What kind of music is boring, in your opinion?

Student:  _______________________________



2.Условныйдиалог-расспрос.You'd like to get more information about your friend’s habits in listening toIn some minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


1)What music he likes

2)If he listens to music every day

3)favourite kind of music

4)Where he usually listens to music

5)If he can play any musical instrument

3.Описаниефото. Describing of the pictures. Imagine that these are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to present to your friend


I have chosen photo number 1.

1.I took this photo/picture last … (week, month, Monday).

2.As I’m taking this photo you can’t see me in it.

3.In the photo/ picture you can see … (rock, rap, of classical music) concert ….

4.We went there with my ….

5.You know … is my favourite style of music.

6.By the way, the atmosphere of this photo is very … (calm, impressive, energetic)

7.I keep this photo in my album because it carries pleasant memories.

8.That is all I want to tell you about this photo/picture.



4.Сравнениефото. Study the two photographs. Compare and contrast the photographs:


I would like to compare 2 pictures.

1.Both these photos show different …

2.In the first picture we can see a well-known … ( folk choir, opera singers)

3.They are … (Present Cont.) (поютнароднуюпесню)

4.In the second picture there are famous Russian … ( folk choir, opera singers)

5.They are … (Present Cont.) in the Kremlin. (даютконцерт)

6.I like the first/second picture because I enjoy … (folk, opera) music more.

7.Both these photos have … in common. But their genre of music is quite different.

8.That is all I want to say about it.


5.Тематическоемонологическоевысказывание.You are going to give a talk about your family’s preferences in listening to 


Remember to say:

-          how often you listen to music;

-          your family’s preferences in listening to music.


I am going to give a talk about music. To my mind, it is interesting to talk about it.

Our family likes listening to music.  As for me, I do it every day. Music helps me to relax and entertain. My father prefers listening to rock music. He plays the guitar very well and I hope one day he’ll teach me. My mother and sister enjoy pop music. They often watch different TV concerts and music shows.

To sum up, everyone enjoys some sort of music. Tastes differ.