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Конспект урока «Британские праздники», УМК Форвард
Содержание - Иностранные языки
03.02.2020 13:51

Дзикун Татьяна Анатольевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ СШ № 41 города Ульяновска. 
Урок является завершающим в теме «Британские праздники», задания урока дают учащимся возможность закрепить лексику по теме и использовать ее в связных монологических высказываниях.



Конспект урока английского языка «Британские праздники»,

УМК «Форвард»,7 класс


Цель урока: Создание комфортных условий для успешного усвоения лексического материала и развития коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.



1. Формировать навыки свободного оперирования лексикой по теме;

2. Развивать навыки говорения.


1.Развивать познавательные УУД: анализ, самостоятельное выделение необходимой информации, закрепление материала, структурирование знаний;

2.Развивать коммуникативные УУД: умение работать в группе, умение строить речевое высказывание.


1. Продолжить воспитывать интерес учащихся к английскому языку;

3. Прививать этические нормы общения, умения работать коллективно.


1.Организационный момент

 Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you at our lesson. You see some guests have come to us. Turn and greet them. Well. Sit down. I see, you are ready for the lesson. I’ve aired the classroom. I am sure we’ll work as usually and you’ll do your best.


2.Определение темы урока. 

Now, look at the blackboard. What do you think about the theme of our lesson? Look at the pictures. Any ideas?

Yes, you are right. Today we are talking about British holidays. We are working according to our plan. Let’s start.


3.Фонетическая зарядка

At first I want you to train your pronunciation skills and remember the poems we have learned. Pay attention to these sounds which are not typical for the Russian language: [r], [w], [θ], [ð], [v]


Remember, remember the fifth of November.

Gunpowder, treason and plot

I see no reason why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot.    


Bunnies are brown

Bunnies are white

Bunnies are always

An Easter delight.


Bunnies are funny

Large and small.

But I like chocolate bunnies

Most of all.


Recite the poems all together.




The next step of our lesson is reading the text aloud.


Pre-reading exercises:

Remember some phonetic rules


-       Read the transcription of these words and find them in the text


[ˈmʌðərɪŋ] [ɪɡˈzæktli] [trəˈdɪʃənəli] [bæpˈtaɪzd]   [ɡrætɪtuːd]


-       Pay attention to the sounds which are not typical for the Russian language. Practice reading the following sentences.

[ð]   The northern weather               [w]   William won the watch.

[v]   The drivers arrived at eleven.     [θ] thirty-three thousand


Repeat the sounds, read the examples, find words with these sounds in the text and read the text aloud

Mother's Day.

Mothering Sunday,// sometimes known as Mother's Day/ is held on the fourth Sunday of Lent. It is exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday/ and usually falls in the second half of March/ or the beginning of April. Traditionally,// people visited the church/ where they were baptized. People visit and take gifts to their mothers and grandmothers. They want to express their love and gratitude to them.

5.Warming up

My dear students, we have spoken a lot about different festivals. Now let me introduce Betsy. She is from GB. She tells us about the most well-known British holidays. Guess them, please. Use these expressions (I think, In my opinion, To my mind)


1.On this day people visit their mothers and give them flowers and small presents. Husbands and children help with the meals and washing up. (Mother’s Day)

2.At this holiday schools close for two weeks. People give each other chocolate eggs. Sometimes parents hide eggs in the house or in the garden and children look for them. (Easter)

3.On this day they say ghosts and witches come out. Children make lanterns out of pumpkins. Some people have parties and dress as witches and ghosts. Children walk from house to house and ask "Trick or treat?" (Halloween)

4.People send special cards to people they love. They shouldn't write their names on the cards. The person who gets the card must guess who sent it. (St.Valentine,s Day)

5.On this day people put trees in their rooms and decorate them with toys and coloured lights. Children get up early in the morning. They want to see a stocking full of small presents on their beds. A traditional dinner on this holiday is roast turkey, roast potatoes and pudding. (Christmas)

6.Puzzle Time (пиктограмма)

It’s time to relax. I have a riddle for you. You have to guess the name of one of the Scottish holidays. Take the first letter of each word and make the new one. Who is the first will get a sweet prize. (Приложение 1)



Now, it’s time to check up your homework. At home you should make up projects about your favourite holidays. Remember the plan and start.


I would like to tell you about one of the British holidays. I think it’s very interesting to talk about it.

It is … (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Guy Fawkes Night)

This holiday is celebrated in … (winter, spring, autumn) on the … of …. (in …)

On this holiday people … and ….

Children … .

The traditional dishes for … are … and …

I like … because it is … and … (merry, funny, unusual, amazing)

That is all I want to tell about this holiday.


8.Говорение. Описание фотографии.

Your last task is describing these pictures. Look at them; your task is to describe one of them. You are working in groups. Use the plan.


I have chosen photo number 1.

1. I took this photo/picture when I was in GB during …

2. In the photo/ picture you can see …

3. She/he … … (Present Continuous)

4. The time of the year is probably …(winter, spring, summer, autumn)

5. The weather in the photo/ picture is …(sunny, warm, rainy)

6. In my opinion, the atmosphere of the photo is … (calm, merry, homely… )

7. I like this photo because I enjoy … (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Guy Fawkes Night)

8. That is all I want to tell you about this photo/picture.




9.Итог урока.

Our time is up.

- We have done enough. What did you like most at the lesson? What task was the most difficult? Учительорганизуетрефлексивнуюдеятельностьучащихся.

Well, my dear students, thanks for your work. Your marks are …

Our lesson is over. Good bye.


Приложение 1

