Целеполагание и мотивация.
Закрепление лексики по теме «Семья» в лексико-грамматических упражнениях, речи и в аудировании.
Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия.
Целеполагание, фонетическая зарядка. Слайд №2.
Listen to the song and guess what is it about?
So today we are talking about …. (the family).
Цель: развитие навыков аудирования, участие обучающихся в планировании работы на уроке, постановка темы урока, что способствует повышению мотивации.
T: Look at the blackboard. This is a family. Who does the family consist of? Brain-storm. Слайд №3.
T: Repeat the tongue twisters after the teacher.
A bitter biting bittern Bit a better brother bittern, And the bitter better bittern Bit the bitter biter back. And the bitter bittern, bitten By the better bitten bittern, Said, "I'm a bitter biter bit, alack!"
Цель: активизация мыслительной деятельности, по теме урока, практиковать в произнесении слов хором.
Речевая зарядка.
The teacher –to class: And what about you?
Have you got a mother?
What is her name? How old is she?
How many aunts have you got?
Цель: совершенствовать аудитивные навыки, закрепление лексики в вопросно-ответных упражнениях.
2) Let’s play a game «Find a pair».
The pupils find a pair of the word from the card: (mother- father, sister-brother …) then they read it aloud.
Цель: проверка знаний лексики по теме, применение знаний на практике в игровой форме.
a) Look at Bill's family tree. Who are they?: Слайд №5.
Bill's grandfather (grandpa)?
Bill's grandmother (grandma)?
Bill's father (dad)?
Bill's mother (mum)?
Bill's uncle?
Bill's aunt?
Bill's sisters?
Bill's cousins?
Цель: развивать воображение учащихся, их мыслительную деятельность, умение предугадывать содержание текста, высказать свою точку зрения.
b) Talk about Bill's family, as in the example. Слайд №6.
Tom is Bill's grandfather. He's 68 years old….
Цель: развитие умений и навыков монологического высказывания.
c) Look at the family tree again. Слайд №7.
Match the relatives:
father’s brother wife
father’s or mother’s mother
parents’ daughters
father’s or mother’s father
father’s brother
mother and father
aunt’s or uncle’s children
Granny and Grandpa
Цель: развитие умения самостоятельной деятельности и работы в парах, закрепление притяжательного падежа в ед. и мн. числах существительных.
d) Let’s play «Snowball»( additional task). Слайд №8.
Look at Bill’s family tree and say only one sentence about his family. The next pupil will repeat this sentence and make up his (her) own one.
Цель: формирование мыслительной деятельности, тренировка памяти, закрепление лексических единиц.
e) Look at the family tree again. Слайд №9.
What are their names?
1 twins?
2 Bill's parents?
3 Bill's grandparents?
4 Mike's sons?
5 Sam's wife?
6 Janet's husband?
7 Sue's daughters?
8 in their late sixties?
9 in his mid forties?
10 twins?
11 married to?
Цель: тренировать память, снять первоначальную трудность при прослушивании текста.
3) Listening (ex 3b p.7 « Spotlight-6») Слайд №10.
a). Listen to the text for the 1st time and answer the questions:
Цель: тренировать учащихся в прослушивании текста с извлечением нужной информации.
b) Listen to the letter for the 2nd time and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Слайд №10.
1 Janet is Bill's mum. ………….
2 Bill's got two brothers. ………….
3 Tom and Beth have got two sons. ………….
4 Johnny and Gill are Bill's cousins ………….
5. Mike is my father's uncle. ………….
6. Bill’s thirteen years old. …………
7. Bill is from America. ………….
8. Bill’s sisters are twins. …………
9. Bill’s uncle married to Janet. …………
Цель: тренировать учащихся в полном понимании услышанного.
4) After-listening. Слайд №11.
Read the letter and fill in the missing words, read it aloud one by one.
Dear Miguel,
Hi! I'm ……Phelps and I'm …….. years old.
I'm from……….., Australia. Here is a photo of my
………..and our relatives.
My parents' names are …….and……. My dad is
short with dark hair. My mum is tall with short, fair
hair. I haven't got a ……..but I've got two sisters.
They're…... Their names are ……and ………and they're ……years old. Mike is my ……. brother.
He's a doctor and he's married to…….. They've
got …….children, Johnny and Gill. Tom and Beth are
my………... They are in their late sixties.
Well, that's all about me and my family. Please
write soon and tell me about your family. Send a
picture, too.
Bye for now,
Цель: формирование языковой догадки.
а) Ask and answer a question about Bill's
Цель: тренировать в вопросно-ответных упражнениях, вести диалог-расспрос.
b) Welcome to our TV show «My family».
Today we have 4 big families: The Claytons, The Browns, The Mills and the Tailors.
The correspondents of the teens’ magazine «Life» will ask you questions about your families. They want to know how many relatives you have got.
Each family will fill in the card, and then the correspondents will find out whose family has got more relatives.
Younger sister
Elder sister
Younger brother
Elder brother
T: Who is the winner?
T: Mrs. Mill. Would you like to tell us about your family?
T: Do you think it is better to have more relatives? Why?
Цель: развитие памяти, формировать алгоритм построения монологического высказывания, получения нужной информации.
c) Use the words and word expressions at the blackboard and tell me:
What kind a family should be?
Use: should, must…
I think, the family should be friendly, loving.
To my mind..? I like….? I help….The family should be …….
Цель: развивать умение выражать своё мнение, развивать навыки монологической высказывания,
формирование социальной ориентации учащегося.
T: Our lesson is almost over.
What new and interesting have you learned at the lesson?
Raise one of the «smiling faces to your attitude to the lesson! »
T: Thank you.
Цель: подвести итоги работы, заинтересовать в
дальнейшем изучении языка.
-Pupils listen to the song and tell the teacher what the subject of the lesson is.
P1, P2:- about the family.
P3: - about the family.
Цель: по прослушанной песне определить тему урока.
P1: the parents (a father- a mother)
P2: the children (a son- a daughter)
P3: the parents’ parents (Granny and Grandpa)
P4: the parents of grandparents (great-grandmother)
P5: relatives (an aunt, an uncle, cousins, nieces, nephews).
Цель: активизация лексики по теме «Семья».
P1: Yes, I have.
P2: Her name’s Sveta. She’s 35 years old.
P3: I’ve got two aunts.
Цель: формирование умения точно выражать свои мысли.
P1,P2: mother-father
P3,P4: uncle-aunt
P5, P6: sister-brother…
Цель: развитие самостоятельности, формирование приемов самоконтроля, развитие зрительной памяти.
P1: Tom
P2: Berth
P3: Sam
P4: Sue
P5: Mike
P6: Janet
P7: Kim and Kate
P8: Johnny and Gill.
Цель: развивать технику предугадывания.
P1: Berth is Bill's grandmother. She's 67 years old.
P2: Sue is Bill's mother. She's 40 years old.
Цель: развивать навыки монологического высказывания с опорой на образец, закрепление числительных.
P1: parents- mother or father
P2: aunt – father’s brother wife
P3: uncle- father’s brother
P4: cousins- aunt’s or uncle’s children
P5: Granny- father’s or mother’s mother
P6: Grandpa- father’s or mother’s father
P7: sisters- parents’ daughters
P8: grandparents- Granny and Grandpa
Цель: уметь работать в коллективе, прислушиваться к мнению товарищей, вспомнить притяжательный падеж и мн. число существительных.
P1: This is Bill’s mother.
P2: This is Bill’s mother. She is 40 years old.
P3: …….
Цель: формирование навыков монологического высказывания, слуховой и наглядной памяти.
P1: Kim and Kate.
P2: Sue and Sam.
P3: Nom and Berth.
P4: Johnny and Jill.
P5: Sue
P6: Mike
P7: Kim and Kate…………….
P1: около 70
P2: около 40
P3: близнецы
P4: женат
Цель: успешно справиться с аудированием текста за счёт снятия трудности в некоторых выражениях.
P1: Bill did.
P2: He is from Sydney, Australia.
P3: Miguel.
Цель: формирование аудитивных навыков поиска нужной информации.
P1: False.
P2: False.
P3: True.
P4: True.
P5: False.
P6: True.
P7: False
P8: True.
P9: True.
Цель: тренироваться в полном понимании прослушанного текста.
Слайд №12.
Dear Miguel,
Hi! I'm Bill Phelps and I'm thirteen years old.
I'm from Sydney, Australia. Here is a photo of my
family and our relatives.
My parents’ names are Sue and Sam. My dad is
short with dark hair. My mum is tall with short, fair
hair. I haven't got a brother but I've got two sisters.
They're twins. Their names are Kim and Kate and
they're eight years old. Mike is my father's brother.
He's a doctor and he's married to Janet. They've
got two children, Johnny and Gill. Tom and Beth are
my grandparents. They are in their late sixties.
Well, that's all about me and my family. Please
write soon and tell me about your family. Send a
picture, too.
Bye for now,
Цель: догадаться о пропущенных словах, использовать знание лексики.
P1: How many sisters has Bill got?
P2: He has got two sisters.
P3:How many...
Цель: уметь задать и ответить на вопрос,
закрепление полученной информации из письма.
The correspondents ask questions and the pupils answer.
Then they give the results.
P1: The winner of our show is Mrs. Mill with her big family. Our congratulations!
P2: Mrs. Mill tells about her family.
P3: I think it is better. We’re all very friendly. We love and respect each other. Our children play together. We like to spend holidays in our place, have picnic and so on. My family is everything for me.
Цель: развивать умения формулировать высказывание описательного характера, делать вывод.
P1: As for me, the family should be friendly.
P2: I think, they should love each other…
(all pupils answer)
P3: I think the family should be happy, loving, caring.
P4: To my mind, I mustn’t fight with my brother.
P5: The happy family spends free time together.
P6: I want to have a big and friendly family.
Цель: формировать умение выражать свою мысль, используя опоры, осознавать роль семьи в жизни общества.
Цель: уметь оценить свою работу на уроке, были ли ошибки?